#International – White Horse Theatre
Europe’s biggest and best-known educational touring theatre, performing plays in English to over 400.000 people per year in Germany, France, the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, China and Japan. All the players are professional actors and native speakers of English. The plays are graded to suit different levels of ability in English – very simple plays for primary-school pupils, plays on social themes for teenage audiences, and classic plays by famous authors for advanced pupils and adults.
Teacher’s packs provide material for use in lessons before and after the performance. A boost for pupils’motivation – the plays are all entertaining and highly visual, so that even those pupils who cannot understand all the words are able to follow the story. White Horse Theatre also offers theatre workshops – a chance for groups of pupils to learn acting techniques, or to explore themes from the plays by participating in drama activities. Pupils discover that English is not just a dry list of grammar exercises, but a lively and exciting means of communication!